How to Clean a Wooden Cutting Board Naturally

With no doubt I claim that the wooden cutting boards are the most convenient and practical ones. Their only disadvantage is that they are hard to clean and maintain. The biggest enemies of the wooden cutting board are grease, spices, onion, garlic and fish. Do you want your cutting board to smell nice and be clean? If yes, here are several tips for cleaning your cutting board naturally.

Salt and Lemon Juice

Pour enough quantity of cooking salt directly on the cutting board. Squeeze some lemon juice over it and then rub the mixture into the wooden surface with a sponge. It’s good to leave it like that for a couple of hours. The lemon juice will be absorbed and the salt will dry out. If there is any moisture left, wipe it with a paper towel.

If you don’t have time for the whole procedure, you can simply rub the wood with the leftovers of a peeled lemon – it will clean and deodorise the cutting board immediately.

Baking Soda

In the centre of the cutting board make a solution of 4-5 spoons of baking soda and several spoons of water. Spread the paste gently over the surface and rub it until the cutting board starts to smell. This means that the pores of the wood are open and all the bad smells layered in it are coming out. After that, rinse well with water and absorb with a paper towel.


You can maintain the wooden cutting board regularly with a solution of one part vinegar and one part water. Simply rinse the board with the solution and let it dry in vertical position. The vinegar guarantees that there will be no bacteria or bad smell on the cutting board, once it’s completely dry.


The numerous washing of the wood with abrasive detergents and then the process of drying can cause cracking and fissuring of the surface. In order to increase the life time of your cutting board you should carefully spread beeswax or almond butter on its surface.